Youth & Family Programs
Providing children and families the resources they need to thrive

Youth Hunger
Removing barriers to learning by alleviating hunger.
Educational Enrichment
Equipping students with the resources and support they need to succeed in school.
Service Opportunities
Giving children and youth the chance to volunteer in their community.

Supplemental nutrition to students through weekend food packs, family soup kits, and summer feeding programs.

8 week tutoring program building confidence and skills for success in school and life.
Distributed 10,948 supplemental food packs, and 1,120 meals kits to over 350 students in 11 schools.
Led three 8-week after school tutoring sessions for 13 elementary students; 100% improved in reading fluency and comprehension.
Distributed 1,000 backpacks to local students.
Provided 94 kids a free week of summer camp; 95% of parents reported high satisfaction

Volunteer Opportunities
MVCC relies on volunteers to help make our programs possible. Click HERE for more information.

Sponsor an Event
We have a variety of ways to sponsor our youth & family programs. Click HERE for more information.

For more information please contact Youth & Family Programs Coordinator
Amanda Goetz
amandag@mtviewcc.org | 253-826-4329 X106